We organize our data analysis work into projects that fall into one of the following categories
- Scientific Service for project specific omics data analysis
- Standardized Processing for frequently used routine analysis
- Scientific Cooperation to establish new technologies and services
to provide efficient solutions for dynamic research oriented projects as well as for recurrent production tasks.
Please request a take-in or consultation meeting to discuss your needs and suitable services
Ideally, please provide a brief overview of your question, aims and plans. This helps us to select the suitable expert for your project and to prepare a productive first meeting. It is most productive if this discussion happens before data are generated, cf. Access for explanation.

We are organized into application area oriented project teams and aim to provide expert with domain knowledge in:
- rare disease genetics
- cancer genomics
- functional genomics
- single cell transcriptomics
- omics data management
- metabolomics and proteomics data analysis
- exploratory statistical analysis and data integration
Last modified: Mar 15, 2021