Latest News
Presenting the Molecular Tumor Board at VICC
On June 29th 2021, the Charité Comprehensive Center and the Core Unit Bioinformatics presented during the VICC ClinGen Somatic Virtual Molecular Tumor Board, which is part of the ACMG Education Center and organized by members of the Variant Interpretation for Cancer Consortium. In particular, Drs. Michael Ruschel and Manuela Benary and Prof. Serge Leyvraz introduced the molecular tumor board at Charité, Berlin and current national studies on precision oncology. Afterwards they presented a recent case with an NTRK fusion, highlighting the need for precision oncology and communication within an interdisciplinary team.
Next R Crash Course in April 2021
This is the second installment of the R crash course.
Varfish Release v0.23.0
We are happy to announce VarFish Release v0.23.0. The key feature of this release is the export of Clinvar XML from user annotation data with very few clicks. This release also includes new external service integration and various bug fixes.
Greatly Simplified VarFish Installation
By providing Docker Compose and prebuilt database files, installing a VarFish server is now really simple.
Next R Crash Course in March 2021
SODAR-Core technology paper published in JOSS
Paper with Daminan Rieke receives QUEST award
Deep Learning assisted Peak Curation for large scale LC-MS Metabolomics
DigestiFlow Workshop for Sequencing Units
SODAR talk and demo at iRODS User Meeting in Uetrecht